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Principal's Message

Dr. Vaman R. Naik 

(Principal,ISB&M College of Commerce)

MPM,Ph.D. (Economics), MumbaiUniversity. Worked as Principal at Dempo College of Commerce, Goa. Was awardedthe “Best Teacher Award” by Rotary Club, Panaji. A prolific writer with severalpublications. Has authored books and contributed a number of articles injournals, seminars, newspaper and electronic media. Has more than three decadesof teaching experience.


A warm welcome to ISB&MCollege of Commerce.


Change is an essential part ofnature. In fact, the only thing constant about change is change itself. Peoplewho do not adapt with the changing times are at risk of being left behind.Resistance to change is a major hurdle in achieving one's goals- be it personalor professional. At ISB&M College of Commerce, we believe in the philosophyof change for betterment. Our belief is not only in the development ofacademics but all round development of the students. That is the reason why inmerely a couple of years, ISB&M College of Commerce has emerged as one ofthe most happening institutions in Pune, with an immaculate record of brilliantacademic performance coupled with extravagant co-curricular activities such ascomprehensive seminars, workshops and student activities. Our objective is toprepare the students to excel in all walks of life. Tapping and moulding thepotential of a section of the population of a country that boasts of theyoungest demography amongst large economies, we take natural pride in our duty.We promote an open culture that fosters creativity. The ability to nurture,deliver, analyze and develop the young budding minds to mature professionals iswhat sets us apart. Applying managerial concepts to the fast changing businessenvirons is what our students learn through an appropriate mix of theory andpractice. All the best dear students, we welcome you to the exciting newenvironment that will take you to greater heights.